Get In Touch
Suipacha 834, CABA 1008,
Wts: +54 9 11 2643 8669
Work Inquiries
Wts: +54 9 11 2643 8669
APP // Previate Esta

APP Design
Web Design
Social Media

Play Video

Social Media Pack Instagram & Facebook.
Creation of strategy and content in social networks. 
5 years trusting our team. 

360 // 360 Pack Teems

We’re changing the way people think of strategy and UI creation.

360 // Sommier Express


Website with shopping cart, created with wordpress and woocommerce, 100% self-managing and responsive.

Social media pack, includes content creation and strategy for Facebook and Instagram.

SEM & SEO, We carry out Adwords and Meta campaigns, and we optimize the site for organic positioning.

360 // What We Made


Insights & Strategy

Strategy is a forward-looking plan for your brand’s behavior.


–  Research & Data
–  Branding & Positioning
–  Business Consulting
–  Marketplace Management
–  Innovation
–  SEO / SEM

Web & Creative

Advertising and scale help to have a unique plan for your brand’s life.


–  Web Development
–  Application Development
–  Shopping Carts
–  WordPress & Woo


Content helps your company to have the unique plan for your brand.


–  Social Media
–  Interactive Media
–  Motion Design
–  Illustration
–  Photography & Video

Experience Design

UI/UX design gives the appearance above your brand’s behavior.


–  User Research & Testing
–  UX Design
–  Visual Design
–  Information Architecture
–  Editorial Design

TEEMS // Let’s Collaborate

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